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Majesty describes displays the great dignity or nobility of a great ruler. What God uses to cover Himself is called Majesty To be clothed means to wear clothes, or to be wrapped with a cloak. This implies that the cloth which God used to wrap Himself is a kind of fabric and that fabric is made up of different combinations of certain materials.

Here on earth we have some materials made of cotton, some polyester or silk, all in different grades these different combinations in fabric result in the beauty or good quality of the fabric. In respect to God. within the fabric of His majesty are certain details about God, which make God Almighty, All- sovereign, All-shinning and All-imperial power.

Beloved, the above list is just to mention a few. What kind of fabric do you know that contains such intrinsic details except that of His Majesty? From today be overshadowed by His majesty for your change of clothing and continuous experience of the power of His majesty. The power of His majesty is in His WORD. The intention of his confrontation is for you to know and embrace that He loves you so that you can be made the resident place of His majesty and the power of His majesty Romans 1 vs. 20, “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made, When a well dressed man comes into an office, even his eternal power and God head, so that they are without excuse.

When a well dressed man comes into the office, the first observable thing is the kind of clothes he has on, and depending on the quality of the fabric and its presentation, respect and honor will be accorded the man. But when another man comes dressed shabbily, he can be ignored, and therefore lose out on the reason for his presence at that office in the first place. Both men were addressed according to the dress they each wore, Beloved, your heavenly Father is clothed with the best imperial quality of fabric that outshines anything created in heaven, on earth and underneath the earth, wherever He enters, He commands honor, respect and royalty.

Concerning the economy or any other situation we must call on Him who is the king of glory to step in and as soon as He comes, the situation recognizes His majestic and honorable grand entrance; so regard and submission will be given to Him, and because it is a matter that concerns you, it will result in your being favored.

God’s majesty cannot be refused admiration irrespective of who or what He is confronted by poverty kneels in worship at the sight of God’s majesty, sickness stands at alert to receive instruction of its exit at the sight of His majesty, sin.

hides and burst into confession of its true state at the face of His majesty. Just His dazzling majesty is enough for miracles to take place over any form of lack or disorderliness. The appearance of His majesty makes all things tremble because of the grade of the fabric. The grade is royal and full of authority such that in either sitting or standing position the same effect of virtue is experienced.

Beloved, the above list is just to mention a few. What kind of fabric do you know that contains such intrinsic details except that of His Majesty? From today be overshadowed by His majesty for your change of clothing and continuous experience of the power of His majesty. The power of His majesty is in His WORD. The intention of his confrontation is for you to know and embrace that He loves you so that you can be made the resident place of His majesty and the power of His majesty.
Romans 1 vs 20,

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and God head; so that they are without excuse.

You cannot afford to doubt the power of His majesty that transforms situations or matters because since the creation of the world the invisible things and attributes, eternal power and divinity have been asked according to this record in faith. As Christians we need the aura of God’s majesty around us from time to time as this majesty is speaking the goodness of God to us and to those around us. Recognize when you pray that the power of His majesty is filled with God’s purpose, and His divine attribute with no intention of returning to His majesty with any excuse of none delivery. God’s majesty is in our hearts to certify guaranteeing as the first and greatest confidence that we have victory. To exchange God’s truth with a lie is to deny the power of His majesty.

Beloved, the Godhead is three, and they are one; as the Father is seated in majesty so is the Son seated in majesty. The scripture reveals in Hebrews 1:3 that, “Who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of His person, are upholding all things by the word of his power, when ho had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the majesty on high.”

Also the Holy Spirit proceeded out of majesty, and His presence within us is to enhance the performance of the power of His majesty. He girds us by keeping us constantly in the state of holiness. He fortifies us as our comforter, our counselor, our helper, our intercessor, our advocate, our strengthener, our stand by, the representative of Jesus Christ at work in our favour.

Do you want to know what has been freely given to you? Then begin to call on Jesus and the Holy Spirit will expose them to you. Once you ask according to His will, in defense of truth, humility and justice, He will ride out victoriously as written in PSALMS 45 vs. 4 vs. 4: “In your majesty, ride out to victory, defending truth, humility, and justice. Go forth to perform awe-inspiring deeds Performance is associated with the understanding of the working of His majesty in relation to a heart that is wholly committed to him.” His Royal Highness will appear when he finds loyalty. He’s committed to showing mercy to those that trust in His strength.

Majesty is invincible, but can be felt. When you call for the majesty of the Son, the authority by which He rules over all things, know that the package of arrival is first an all round victory. Triumphantly He executes justice as His majesty appears on the scene for the cause of truth, humility and righteousness. This is very important for you to know.

As you pray daily, asking for God’s majestic appearance, let the state of your heart continually bear his truth. Humble yourself before the presence of His majesty, standing in the righteousness of the express image of His person. Walk in the understanding of the mystery that you carry His majesty for the promise of victory then He’ll ride in victoriously to perform tremendous and awesome miracles.

Keep the fire of the triumphant life burning! God.

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